Failure is necessary to gain momentum/motivation in order to succeed. Failure removes blocks in our energy fields to allow accelerated movement of your choosing. Motivation is momentum of energy in space and time. Actions give rise to movement, an action may move you forward or backward on your growth continuum Ascension process to Source. You choose, and all is well.
Central Sun Collective, Channeled by Uffie Star Burns
(Dec 19, 2017)
(Artist: Hannah Damaszek)
(*Update 7/7/18* I have recently realized after confirmed channeled messages and intuitive knowledge that I channel for the network of central suns that all connect with each other I will now be referring to the beings I channel as “Central Sun Collective” to ensure all beings messages are credited not just Alcyone Pleiadians, there are Sirians at the Great Central Sun and perhaps more star systems of light and so I will be updating all past and future channeled messages as Central Sun Collective)
Thanks starsister… gratitude for being this bridge, it’s a beautiful way of being…