The following content is light-encoded.
As a collective we are entering into a new phase of embodiment. It is felt as an automatic alignment with higher self and light body, if you are willing to receive in the moment it will be an automatic shift.
Cellular memory is clearing past pain body attachments that we previously hung onto as the old self repeated, we can recognize on an automatic level that which is no longer serving us. This is an automatic discernment to choose to align with higher self principles. A subtle wave of this embodiment knowledge is the light body cellular memory of harmony at the body level and the spirit. This is a light body harmony in the present moment as we choose.
Noticing this automatic shift and choosing to receive it is mastery of the self in this next phase of embodiment. Actions to align with higher self will feel easier, since the resistance attached with all higher self alignments has been healed. Higher self actions, choices, potential and pathway trajectories that lead to embodiment, the resistance attached has been healed on a cellular level by light body upgrades and cellular remembrance.
When you meet these higher self embodiment alignments, there is no resistance felt so saying yes and completing the phase is the “easier” choice. We cannot ignore the discernment that when we are not in alignment the ego suffers, that is not easy. So as we reach new levels of light body embodiment we have this automatic discernment that it IS easier, we have less resistance and can move into that space with trust and divine love. We can feel there is less resistance, so it becomes easier to choose our higher self.
Have you noticed all the new ways you create? Have you surprised yourself yet, the great feats you can reach? When you approached these higher self alignments previously, they held anxieties and fears. This is the experience of resistance, any sort of stress, anxiety, or fear felt. On higher self levels, it’s an illusion.
It is also noticed that the memories associated with lower timelines that have fully dissolved and have been let go of completely are harder to recall. As we manifest our higher trajectories, and are present in the process of embodying into these timelines the memories attached exist in the timeline of the past self. Since we are reaching new phases of embodiment alignment you may notice those memories that were associated with a specific timeline are so much harder to remember as your embody more of your higher self. This is because the cellular memory of our upgrading light bodies are no longer associated with those past timelines and past selves, they are receiving new light and new information so it does not recognize that specific energy when we attempt to remember a memory from old timelines. Note that this is not memory issues, but it is embodiment symptoms as you evolve into higher trajectories.
This energy for 2022 will be recognized and experienced for embodiment phases for the next 6 months until it becomes fully embodied. How it will unfold and manifest for you in subtle or profound ways is felt by your current light body potential. To get the most fulfilling experience, set intentions within your heart and get clear on your vision of your creations. The more clarity you have and the more heartfelt intentions you hold will lead you into the highest trajectories and you can begin to see your dreams being manifested. This awareness and ability of co-creation is the dream itself, this mastery is experienced now.
Starlight and love,
Hannah (Uffie) Star Burns