The following content is light-encoded.
Please watch this channeled message in my YouTube video below to feel the energy of Central Sun Collective, to read the channeled message please continue below in this blog post.
In this lifetime we experience lights passage. Our experience is a passage of light. The lights passage is a a conscious experience, and on the other side unconscious experience and other levels between. Light is living, alive, moving, containing information, carrying light. Light, energy is the function of the universe.
In lights passage the driving consciousness is the choice maker and path taker. You grant your lights passage. You hold the passing of your light, your lights container. You’re conscious of the ways you create and learn, you are unconscious of the ways your create and learn and in between remains. Let this be the lesson in our return to our light knowledge, in our remembrance of our inherent light and the eternal energy it contains. As we experience this within, we become conscious in our lights passage, in all moments. Conscious of the unconscious conscious of the levels in between.
We experience our own lights passage in our moments of light realization, we return to center points when we seek this. It is a seeking of and finding and declaring our lights passage. In our lights passage we recollect, remember all the fragments and fractals of our lights energy ripped throughout space-time in our lifetimes. You see this lights passage it connects through all moments all fragments all fields of space and time. This lifetime you say I remember, because you remember then you remember the other lifetimes and it becomes a full circle.
Light is eternal, infinite. Light has no bounds. It is merely boxed by our terms, and in what? In a spectrum of seen and unseen. There is so much more on the spectrum. As we return to this remembrance we inherent all the levels of consciousness integrating from the top to bottom and bottom to top. As we sleep, as we dream we embody. These levels of consciousness are within and carried. Light is always carried, it is merely a frequency you tap into on the spectrum of the seen and unseen. In your choice, in your conscious choice you can consciously choose parts of the unconscious to fully remember and embrace all levels of your light.
For this is the biggest path of this year to embrace: pure, true, organic embodiment.
Embodiment is in place. It takes (depending on the rate of faith and light intelligence to align with higher self awareness of that within, alignment) it can feel rapid yet slow like you’re catching up with your embodiment. Embodiment catches up with your activation and realizations and downloads.
In embodiment there is always surrender. There is always surrender because there is always unknown. Embodiment requires rapid change, acceleration. Rapid change requires rapid risks, rapid life experiences and with this is surrender. Big phases for soul to recollect through ego deaths. Through phases of ego deaths, through higher self activations and dedications. Many will be dedicating higher self for the first conscious time in this lifetime. Many will experience phases they’ve experienced in the past. In this embodiment you will keep breaking down the interior of your blockages in your souls recollection through embodiment. Many will experience what they have before and many will now find a name to it, the dark nights of the soul.
So within the higher self dedications, ego deaths, dark nights of the soul, and other ego initiations during embodiment you must surrender. You must fully embrace all that is seen and unseen. When you embrace the unknown you embrace the spectrum simply as it is, instead of what you box it to be. You accept the multidimensional reality, that is your birthright. It is not to be feared, it is only feared by your ego and with this surrender you can trust you are on the path to your embodiment and Ascension. It is written by you, you can trust higher self. Higher self you can trust.
Be diligent in your efforts of embodiment, it is your healing you own. Give yourself grace in embodiment. For this is the biggest path of this year to embrace, pure true organic embodiment. Written by you, written by higher self.
Perhaps letting go of time and letting go of space in a restricted way in the old paradigm way, is there higher self is leading us. In these accelerating times, the veils will start the fade off of those old paradigms. Maybe activation’s will feel longer maybe they will feel faster, but since ordinary sense fades as you tap into and dedicate on the path of embodiment and higher self, remember surrender. It is those moments of conscious surrender where you look back in time at yourself in the mirror of the universe and you just bow to creator to yourself. This is divine will activated and aligned as we experience embodiment written by your higher self. Ah, we breath. We are here. It is written by our divine will. Thank you.
-Central Sun Collective
Channeled by Uffie Star Burns July 7th 2019