Happy Lions Gate Portal! Being born through this portal I honor and connect with it’s energies every year. This year I am providing a light code and channeled message of this Lions Gate Portal energy.
Here is what the Central Sun Collective had to say about this portal:
“Q: What is the message of the lions gateway?
A: Greetings we meet on a blessed new day on the first light.
Lions Gateway brings influx of royal galactic self and higher service energies. Feline beings live with open hearts in unison of divine feminine and divine masculine. With imbalance still on its path to harmony on Earth now, the divine feminine is felt and needed more during this portal. Service to your galactic heart and divine feminine archetypes is integrated during Lions Gateway. This gateway releases energy to Earth to reconnect with the divine and royal within your heart and within your world by treating others as royal divine feminine and masculine.
In the sign of Leo your passionate courageous heart is ignited. The Great Central Sun Sirius ignites this by accelerating energies and frequencies to amplify your light body integration. Orion aligns to connect in service to self by belief in the self and inner reflection/knowing by honoring divine feminine. These alignments combined create a powerful portal every year to be joined by choice and integrated into your timelines.
Your galactic royal crown is your birthright, are you wearing it proud like the mighty lion? Or are you doubting the power of your ancestors? During these energies that choice will be magnified and accelerated into your reality allowing timeline jumping. For some who have made their vow to their higher timelines will split from older timelines that do not serve your highest self.
There is magic and power in stargate technology. This technology is organic, it is your birthright, it is you.”
Lions Gate Portal Light Code (please stay tuned for purchasing this original light code on my Etsy shop):
Emerald Ray energy of the Divine Feminine with alignment of Galactic Center, Orion, and Sirius in the sign of Leo. Galactic Center symbol in the middle of the Emerald Ray. Orion symbols on the bottom, and a Sirian peace/creation symbol on the top. We are integrating the activation of Emerald Ray Divine Feminine through creation of Vesica Pisces and opening Heart Stargate by Photonic Source codes near the top and bottom, through the Lions Gate Portal into our heart portals.
I drew this same exact light language two nights after the lions gate opening this year 2020
Thank you for sharing!! It’s good to know we are connecting in a unified way.
Also, I would love to see this similar code you got if possible to send me it!