The following content is light-encoded.
In the event you believe in yourself is the shift you choose towards a higher potential to vibrationally resonate and externalize into your reality. A jump in your timeline towards the resonation and alignment with your higher self and higher self choices is accessed by your narrative and trust in your grander truth. This grander truth is the co-creative ascension process that you have written with your heart’s calling, this calling emanates like a string of higher purposes from a space you clear and tune in to engage in your world with unity. Like a ripple of crystalline liquid from your heart center you follow to new timelines in this resonation as you allow this experience to be trusted from this space. Your heart’s stargate is the strongest field you access for co-creation. Lion’s Gate Portal begins every year from July 26th to August 18th with heightened potent levels during August 6-8 with the peak on August 8th.
The Lion’s Gate Portal cosmic signature is a reset and quantum timeline jumping by alignment with Mayan Day Out of Time, Sirius star system, Orion star system and the Emerald Ray consciousness.
This Gateway of cosmic alignments and earthly acceleration occurs during the Leo season, giving its name and energy of the Lion’s Gate Portal. This time on Earth influx of Leo’s are born and influx of ascension souls birth through this portal with its cosmic signature. The Lion’s Gate Portal cosmic signature is a reset and quantum timeline jumping by alignment with Mayan Day Out of Time, Sirius star system, Orion star system and the Emerald Ray consciousness. As souls are born through the Orion gate towards Earth, Sirius showers certain resonating souls with their alignment DNA origins, and Mayan Day Out of Time begins the start of the gateway to complete the timeline jumping for all Earth souls and incoming souls. Orion is the way-station stargate of humanity to and from realms of existence, that is why there has been countless wars and battles with Orion star system and countless ancient cultures focus on Orion’s importance. These galactic histories are being rewritten to New Earth vibration of no more stories and higher self choices for New Earth co-creation and ascension. This is not a galactic history lesson but the awareness and forgiveness to choose to release these old stories in order to heal on an ancestral and lineage level (both galactic and earthly). This is done by becoming aligned with higher self to step away into your sovereignty with your discernment and say “I forgive” to move forward in healing, ascension, and your soul’s purpose on Earth now.
You are capable, powerful and a divine source of creation; this remembrance is allowed as you trust and believe in these changes that occur during the Lion’s gateway.
Lion’s Gate Portal is potent with potential of change in timelines because you are called to make higher choices and this belief gives power to quantum leaping by energy unimaginable through this hearts portal in any direction you so choose. Some are halted by the changes in resistance to their higher self calling or in attachment to their lower selves looping cycles. Lion’s Gate portal ensures certification and access to these choices in immense power by experiencing light codes from this gateway and remembering how to allow your light codes you hold through this portal. This new experience for allowing light codes to align with your higher self calling can create overwhelming resistance in those that are not trusting their higher self and false trust in lower loop choices. How you believe in these changes of growth towards your higher self purpose and ascension path is the entire turning point of this Earth lifetime for your soul. You are capable, powerful and a divine source of creation; this remembrance is allowed as you trust and believe in these changes that occur during the Lion’s gateway.
What is leaving energetically in your life? What is incoming energetically in your life? These are the key outlooks towards following your higher timeline pathways
Tapping into higher self choices and releasing loop cycles is healing and healing can appear messy but is always leading towards your grander truth and the grander plan that we are all apart of in this co-creation. Believe and trust these changes no matter how they manifest in your timeline jumping. In the Lion’s Gate portal it will bring endings and beginnings. These phases of life offer end of old paradigms and beginnings of new paradigms, manifested as “out with the old and in with the new”. What is leaving energetically in your life? What is incoming energetically in your life? These are the key outlooks towards following your higher timeline pathways. Resonate, discern and trust all of these changes you know are for the quantum timeline leaping.
This timeline jumping reset carries through the rest of this year and fully into 2020 timelines until the next Lion’s Gate.
Lion’s gate portal allows timeline jumping with the reset of the cosmic time cycles within the Mayan calendar system, which is in effect the divine feminine timekeeping. In this “Day Out of Time” we are reset energetically to choose higher timelines by allowing the ancient timekeeping within the non-local fields. Day Out of Time begins the Lion’s Gate Portal on July 25/26th. Mayan Day Out of Time accesses knowledge to the quantum fields as we become aware of these operational fields and manage from this level within your own non-localized fields. Within this alignment and reset with the quantum field operations we operate outside of time by becoming unified with the unity field where past, present, and future is always happening, always in motion, always moving, always changing. This timeline jumping reset carries through the rest of this year and fully into 2020 timelines until the next Lion’s Gate. We tap into this remembrance of the non-local unity field, stepping into this unity and healing outside of time, holding space for a New Earth and co-creation of ascension.
History and loops of polarity and duality conflicts that have raged since the will of free choices, you begin to choose what is right and highest for your soul to ascend and co-create in New Earth.
You heal by your choices and you evolve with your choices tuning into and returning to the unity quantum field. You forgive the past histories that your soul has experienced from many lifetimes, we let go of all past stories in this New Earth co-creation. You end your lower selves timeline loops. History and loops of polarity and duality conflicts that have raged since the will of free choices, you begin to choose what is right and highest for your soul to ascend and co-create in New Earth. Let us not repeat these loops and history of the same narrative of polarity and duality limitations. You recognize these stories and loops that cause your soul suffering, remember discern and allow your joy, you can choose, you can heal, you can let go. You can choose another way for you, you can change the narrative. You will be reminded of this choice on July 25/26th simply center yourself in your heart’s stargate and follow what you are feeling that comes up naturally, any energy in resistance or restraint that comes up is for releasing.
Sirius reminds us of the divine mighty structure of the multiverse by accessing our creator codes of divinity.
Sirius alignment pushes the inner kingdom and queendom of your divine creator self. We are faced to find our joy of creation by looking towards the mirror, the divine mirror. In this divine mirror we are reminded of our royal divinity if we so choose to wear our crown that is perfectly fit for our divine path. Sirius activates royal divinity DNA by higher self choices, and allows royal divinity light codes to be experienced within your life-stream changes of endings and beginnings. Sirius reminds us of the divine mighty structure of the multiverse by accessing our creator codes of divinity. Sirius the brightest star of feline beings that operate in unity field with their heart-centers influx this remembrance, access and activations towards Earth. We jump timelines in choices and return to our royalty codes by birthright. This is innate so just allow the unfolding of these light codes and DNA activation to integrate as life-stream changes occur you will trust these activations. There is no separation from the environment and self, as you choose you have shifted quantum levels in reality. Sirius allows this influx of energies to remember these truths so you can believe what you are truly co-creating, so you can continue to co-create and keep aligned in this unity field operation as you narrate it to be so.
By the Leonine and feline signatures of royalty of queendoms and kingdoms of your soul’s being and creations, this brings the energies of the Emerald Ray and the divine feminine. Emerald Ray consciousness energies by the leonine feline heart center portal opening is the grace and gratitude during Lions gate portal timeline jumps. Emerald Ray is heart centered healing by inner divinity of masculine and feminine unity. With emerald ray you are called to nurture what divine feminine and divine masculine into unity and harmonic resonations. It is heard like a whisper from your heart written by your inner creator or creatress that you follow with grace into harmony vibration. It heals the self images of the heart by remembering the divine feminine and divine masculine unison, it allows operation of harmony within the world as you allow grace to follow on your heart path. Emerald Ray is heart-centered and emanates into other heart centers by turning higher heart portals online and activated in resonation for others to access. In our unison of divine feminine and divine masculine higher heart portals remain online and palpable with the Emerald Ray. You will accept your natural organic divine aspects with grace as you narrate and nurture and choose the Emerald Ray consciousness it soothes this alignment with your inner trusting of your healing path. Remember your natural state is abundance, joy and gratitude within your higher heart.
Starlight & Love,
Uffie Star Burns
July 25, 2019