7:48 AM we meet once more, thank you for tuning in to this download. We congratulate Humanity on Ascension shift progress, many waves of shifts are occurring globally and individually. Collective and singular ripples in the hyperdimensional space-time matrix grids.
Appearance can be tricky, illusion and truth must be deciphered to see clearly. This is why perspective and reality relationship impacts each other. What you appear to see is your perspective and reality. The level to how much truth or deception exists in that reality is critical.
What do you see in this reality? Does it appear as growth, chaos, or stagnant?
That perspective is your choice, the appearance is your matched frequency of being. Being in truth, being in illusion. So what appears on the collective level reflects your individual perspective. You see deception if that’s your being, you see truth if that’s your being.
Recognize your level of being before assessing reality levels. Otherwise your mindset will precede the true reality. Depending on your level of frequency growth, reality may not appear as progressive. Some days it may appear like the world is going backwards. Some days lend only confusion. Mixture of reality is best for manipulation.
Recognize your stance in your center stillness, reflect your highest path in One truth. We love you every step of the way and we congratulate you in any level of growth you exist with. Thank you for taking time to better our past, present and future; individually and collectively.
Central Sun Collective, Channeled by Uffie Star Burns
(Feb. 22nd, 2018)
(*Update 7/7/18* I have recently realized after confirmed channeled messages and intuitive knowledge that I channel for the network of central suns that all connect with each other I will now be referring to the beings I channel as “Central Sun Collective” to ensure all beings messages are credited not just Alcyone Pleiadians, there are Sirians at the Great Central Sun and perhaps more star systems of light and so I will be updating all past and future channeled messages as Central Sun Collective)