(6/23/18) Update: Summer Solstice Light Language Codes for Gateways titled “Protectors of Light”.
Greetings beloved light beings of Earth. What joy and excitement to meet on this Summer Solstice gateway.
We bring a message to seize the day. Seize the light of your life. Seize your soul. What lights your soul on fire? Let that illuminate your world to reflect New Earth and let it shine on All That Is.
Light, solar light, touches All That Is. All That Is. Your soul light touches All That Is. Let this fire and spark within create the New Earth and touch All That Is.
You are so gifted and powerful. Remember your soul power. Connect with your higher self today. All gateways are portals to higher self and highest timelines and connect to the collective fields. Allow this gateway to reveal your highest self and connect to collective. Illuminate collective by your higher self and soul power. It is that simple.
The gateways are so powerful because of the solar network connection. Channel woke with this message, and previously we’ve sent the message that all suns connect together like portals that ripple off emanating from each other’s frequencies as one solar network.
Imagine how powerful these gateways truly are. In fact unimaginable to the human mind, but felt by the human soul. Oh so powerful. That is why when you connect with your higher self on gateways they allow jumping timelines into higher self realities and timelines. This illuminates collective to higher fields breaking away old timelines.
Gatekeepers and gridworkers continue to illuminate the grids and fields wherever you are on earth. Be the bridge to these gateways and the collective fields. Continue to guide the way of light to all souls of Ascension journey. Solidify and embrace your power and unite to your highest self every gateway. Listen to the messages by the light of the sun let it lead you to your highest self and soul.
No matter the noise around you in the world, this is the greatest time to be alive. This is the time of creating with light and soul, that is what is to be remembered and focused on. Time is focus. Time is energy.
There is progress, immense progress, know this and we thank you. Give thanks for this time you are here for a reason, to seize the light of your life. We love you beloveds.
-Central Sun Collective channeled by Uffie Star Burns
Featured Artist: Mia Ohki
June 21, 2018 Summer Solstice
(*Update 7/7/18* I have recently realized after confirmed channeled messages and intuitive knowledge that I channel for the network of central suns that all connect with each other I will now be referring to the beings I channel as “Central Sun Collective” to ensure all beings messages are credited not just Alcyone Pleiadians, there are Sirians at the Great Central Sun and perhaps more star systems of light and so I will be updating all past and future channeled messages as Central Sun Collective)